GUIDED TOUR九谷焼作家のおすすめスポット
- 広い田園と、それらをふちどる山々、大きな海。美しい風景の中で日々作陶する九谷焼作家に聞いた「能美市・小松市の好きな場所と、過ごし方」を、公立小松大学生がツアーとしてアレンジ。作家の直筆イラスト(!)とともに、ちょっと旅気分で見てみまっし!
- A vast pastoral plain and the mountains bordering it, the big sea. The artists working daily with ceramics in such a beautiful environment were asked for their favorite local places and pastimes. Komatsu University has arranged these places into a tour. Mitemimasshi these together with the artists' drawings in a spirit of a little trip. (*Mitemimasshi is an Ishikawa dialect word meaning “take a look”).
GUIDED TOUR九谷焼作家のおすすめスポット
- 広い田園と、それらをふちどる山々、大きな海。美しい風景の中で日々作陶する九谷焼作家に聞いた「能美市・小松市の好きな場所と、過ごし方」を、公立小松大学生がツアーとしてアレンジ。作家の直筆イラスト(!)とともに、ちょっと旅気分で見てみまっし!
- A vast pastoral plain and the mountains bordering it, the big sea. The artists working daily with ceramics in such a beautiful environment were asked for their favorite local places and pastimes. Komatsu University has arranged these places into a tour. Mitemimasshi these together with the artists' drawings in a spirit of a little trip. (*Mitemimasshi is an Ishikawa dialect word meaning “take a look”).
\ほかにもたくさん/能美市・小松市の 九谷焼スポット!
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